Students at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology were forced to sleep on the streets after being evicted from their accommodation. This follows their lease agreements...
The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) has introduced the first degree in paralegal studies, which focuses on the education and training of paralegals. The aim...
The University of Cape Town together with several universities have joined in the search for a Covid-19 vaccine. The institutions will be participating in three international...
Parliament of the Republic of South Africa Graduates Trainee / Internship Programme 2020 / 2021 The National Treasury Internships Programme 2021 Eastern Cape Department of Rural...
Women within higher education institutions have been taking up more leadership and management roles. This is in a bid to encourage and promote equality within higher...
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has introduced a new process to its selection criteria. This led to funds being pulled from 5000 students who...
The University of Johannesburg (UJ) has introduced a new intelligent digital assistant or chatbot to assist with responding to student's enquiries
The Baby Turtle green energy solutions, a DSI initiative which aims to provide energy solutions for rural communities and informal traders, who are off the electricity...
Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute 2 X Strategic Information Internships. CBE Supply Chain Management Internship Programme for 2020 / 2021. SANTACO-KZN Johannesburg Water Internship Programme...
“We are looking for #YoungTeachers please apply so that we can defeat youth unemployment together”, Gauteng MEC for Education Panyaza Lesufi