The University of Cape Town has come up with an initiative which is aimed at supporting South African youth who are not in unemployment, education or training (NEET).
The academic programme is led by the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU).
The programme is called the Basic Package of Support (BPS) and was developed in 2019 and it takes a positive youth development approach which recognises young people’s agency.
Associate Professor Ariane De Lannoy, chief researcher at SALDRU and BPS programme said, “It works with youth in the ecosystem of available government or non-profit programmes and services to enhance their navigation of the steps needed to realise their envisaged futures. Importantly, the BPS model appreciates that young people need a wide range of support services to deal with the many challenges or deprivations they face, ”
“It will support young people’s educational and employment transitions, recognise the interconnectedness of deprivations and seek to support their agency and resilience, which will be crucial following the COVID-19 pandemic”