This year, it has been evident that at the centre of growing South Africa will be the youth. From giving young minds the chance to be part of the country’s decision makers to youth development programmes put in place to fit the needs of the current youth generation.
What has been more commendable, is the number of youth venturing into entrepreneurship and getting involved in projects that serve to uplift communities. Youth projects such as the “collaboration saving scheme” a project which was taken upon by the youth in Orange farm in 2018.
Diving in, into disadvantaged communities were the youth face dire challenges has been at the center of “EMPOWA YOUTH” entrepreneurial leadership summit. This initiative starts from the roots, imparting life skills for success and developing an entrepreneurial spirit.
With leadership, life and entrepreneurship advice and ongoing support, the aim is to ensure that the youth of Orange Farm can soon be driven to achieve academic, career and entrepreneurial success.
On the 15th of June, the young minds of Orange Farm got a chance to absorb experience, wisdom, and knowledge passed down by-among those who attended- Nimrod Nkosi, inspirational story-teller Billy Selekane and Thuli Nkosi.