Gauteng City Region Academy (Various Fields)
Study fields:
Various Fields
Qualification Sponsored:
Various qualifications
You must have completed your matric and a Gauteng resident
You must be accepted to study at an accredited higher education institution
Students intending to pursue postgraduate studies and accepted to a higher education institution
Top achievers from schools in Gauteng
Top 3 learners from LSEN schools in Gauteng
A South Afrcan citizen
Between the ages of 18 to 35
Application Procedure
Register on the Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) portal by clicking here, download the application guide and then register on the GCRA portal.
Apply online at :
Gauteng City Region Academy
Closing Date 31 March 2021
Gauteng Department of Human Settlement (Various Fields)
Study fields:
Various Fields
Qualification Sponsored:
- Information and Communication Technology
- Civil Engineering
- Construction Management
- Applicants must be South African citizens between the ages of 18 and 35
- Completed grade 12
- Applicants must reside in Gauteng
- Already registered or in possession of admission letter from an Institution of Higher Learning within Gauteng Province
Apply online at :
Gauteng Department of Human Settlement
Closing Date 15 March 2021
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